Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU)
Deputy Vice Chancellor-Planning Finance & Administration,
Director of Research, Innovations & Consultancy
Field of expertise: Land & Water Management; Soil Engineering,
Field of expertise: Land & Water Management; Soil Engineering,
Remote sensing & GIS; Land Use; Landscape Ecology; Consultant
Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU)
Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU)
Department of Agriculture, Earth & Environmental Sciences
P.O.Box 1226
Tel: +255 272974110
Mobile: +255 754 575 526
Mobile: +255 787 291 226
Mobile: +255 754 575 526
Mobile: +255 787 291 226
Email: didasnahumu@gmail.com
Email: didas.kimaro@mwecau.ac.tz
Image link: https://irl-sekomu.org/author/ anneth/